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Tiang Penangkal Petir dan Tiang Antena

     Produsen Pedagang Grosir Tiang Oktagonal Galvanis - Tiang Baja Segi 8 Delapan, Tiang Heksagonal Galvanis - Tiang Baja Segi 6 Enam, Tiang High Mast - Tiang Tinggi, dan Monopole Poligonal - Tiang Tunggal Persegi yang ditawarkan oleh PT. Helori Grahasarana.

     Menggunakan material bahan baku baja produk dalam negeri, pabrik kami mengoperasikan teknik manufaktur terdepan untuk mengembangkan beragam variasi tiang baja untuk tiang lampu jalan, tiang lampu sorot penerangan lapangan parkir & ruang terbuka, tiang lampu taman, tiang lampu dekorasi, tiang persinyalan lalu lintas, tiang cctv, antenna & anti petir dan struktur tiang lampu high mast.
     Fleksibilitas proses manufaktur yang kami miliki menghasilkan konsistensi hasil produksi dari struktur tiang lampu kecil sampai besar serta mampu menghasilkan tiang dengan desain custom sesuai spesifikasi khusus anda dengan pilihan material yang tepat untuk memenuhi kondisi di lingkungan tersulit sekalipun.

For inquiries:

PT. Helori Grahasarana

Puri Sentra Niaga Blok A No. 16
Jl. Raya Kalimalang, Jakarta Timur
(Sebelah Rumah Sakit Harum Siska Medika) 

Email: info@helorigrahasarana.com

Call: 021-86605447

wa & mobile no: 08112873218

Kami Produsen yang menjual Tiang Lampu Sorot dan Tiang PJU Oktagonal harga murah pabrik langsung. Pabrik Jual Guardrail Pagar Pengaman Jalan, Tiang PLN/Tiang Listrik, Tiang Lampu High Mast, Tiang Penangkal Petir, Tiang CCTV, Tower lampu Lapangan Bola/Tiang Lampu Stadion, Tiang PJU Hias, Tiang Lampu Taman, Tower Monopole dan Tower Tripole. Berdiri sejak 1996.

Kami menggunakan bahan baku pelat baja produksi dalam negeri berjenis SS400 (structural steel) merupakan sebuah baja rendah karbon (mild steel) yang sesuai standar ASTM A36 (American Society for Testing Materials) atau JIS G3101 (Japanese Industrial Standards). Biasanya baja ini diaplikasikan pada konstruksi jembatan, kapal laut, tangki minyak dan lainnya, yang diproses dengan mesin cnc (computer numerical control) untuk menghasilkan produk berkualitas tinggi dan handal.

Factor to be taken into account while buying Tiang Penangkal Petir or Lightning Arrester Pole: 

     We manufacture different kinds of Tiang Penangkal Petir. Tiang are multifaceted and in different heights (usually from 9 to 45 meters) and based on conditions they can have ladder and basket and at the top of Tiang there are some equipments to install every kind Penangkal Petir. 

       Both public buildings and private buildings should be fully protected against the risks of petir or lightning. If you are a business enterprise, you will be subjecting yourself to liability issues by not installing Tiang Penangkal Petir in your premises. You will also be subjecting yourself with compliance issues if you don’t install Tiang Penangkal Petir in your buildings. Tiang Penangkal Petir is not required to save yourself from liability issues and compliance issues but it is even more important because you cannot put people’s life at risk. Absence of Tiang Penangkal Petir can also subject you to the risk of property damage. All these should explain enough the importance of installing Tiang Penangkal Petir. 

     Here are some important factors, which need to be taken into account while sourcing your Tiang Penangkal Petir. When you are selecting your Tiang to arrest Petir, you should not make your decision solely based on the prices. This is one of the major mistakes that most customers make. What is the use of having a Tiang Penangkal Petir if it does not work the way it should? In such cases, you might as well not install one. Do not try to cut corners when it comes to purchasing Tiang Penangkal Petir.

     Quality should be your top priority when it comes to buying your lightning arrester poles. Look for premium quality Tiang Penangkal Petir. You will have to look at quality from two different levels. Firstly, the Penangkal Petir that you are purchasing should be functionally effective. If it is not functionally effective then you will still be faced with the same hazards despite having a Tiang Penangkal Petir on which you would have already spent some money. Secondly, it should be made of top quality materials so that it is durable. Poor quality Tiang Penangkal Petir will only double your expenses because you will be forced to replace them within a short time. You should therefore take long-term benefits into account while purchasing your Tiang Penangkal Petir.

      Reputation of the company from which you are buying your Tiang Penangkal Petir is also important. Whether you are just ordering single Tiang Penangkal Petir or placing a bulk order for Tiang Penangkal Petir, they should be able to deliver you the products in a timely fashion. Though we said that you should not select your Tiang Penangkal Petir just based on the price, it is equally important at the same time you should not end up paying exorbitant prices for your Tiang Penangkal Petir. Reputed companies will not only be able to deliver you excellent quality products but they will also sell them at nominal prices and deliver them at a timely fashion. You will also receive very good customer service from such companies. 

     Always buy Tiang Penangkal Petir that meet the strict quality guidelines. Never compromise on the quality. You will have to scout around a bit to find that perfect supplier of Tiang Penangkal Petir and you will certainly reap the benefits for the groundwork that you do in selecting the correct supplier.

Tiang Lampu Engsel Bisa Dilipat (Hinged Pole)

Tiang lampu engsel adalah tiang yang bisa dilipat atau lazim dinamai tiang lampu angguk (swivel hinged pole) dimana saat perawatan, perbaika...